contact us

İstanbul - Türkiye

New York - ABD





0 (532) 111 87 26 (Mobil Santral)
0 (212) 220 43 03 (İstanbul Merkez)



Linguistic Consistency

We offer express translation services with our notary-certified, experienced, and expert translators when urgent projects are at stake. During office hours, the translation of the documents up to one full page is carried out by our in-office translators. If it is not possible to finish the project within the time limit, a second procedure is followed. As soon as we receive the document, our administrative manager coordinates and assigns our translators on the urgent translation team, who have at least 5 years of experience, based on their knowledge of the area and their translation speed. After the team starts the translation project, they use a mutual terminology, and then finish your urgent projects as fast as possible with a consistent language.

Our Team

As required by our company policy, our administrative team, all Translation and Interpreting or Translation Studies graduates, work in compliance with national and international translation standards, Dijital Tercüme Quality Assurance Directives and Translation Style Guide.

Our Project Management process is based upon ISO 17100, EN 15038, UN Translator Standards and Vocational Qualifications Authority NOS-6 in Translation.

  • Senem KOBYA
    Chief Executive Officer

Senem Kobya was born in 1981 in Istanbul. She graduated from the Department of Economics (in English) at Istanbul University. In 1999, she began her career as a translator at the Lütfi Kırdar Convention and Exhibition Center and later worked at companies such as Shell, Adel, Volkswagen and Faber Castell. She holds many certificates including a Sprachdiplom, an English Proficiency and Achievement Certificate from Istanbul University, an Introduction to Project Management Certificate from the University of Adelaide, a Google Adwords Certificate and an Online Marketing Certificate from the Google Digital Academy. She is Translation Sector’s Representative at Beykent University.

Kobya is also the founder of projects such as Çeviri Blog (Translation Blog), which is a mutual platform for translators and the translation sector, Çeviri Yarışması (Translation Competition), Çeviri Kitabı (Book of Translation), Çevirmenler Sahada (Translators on the Field), Genç Çevirmenler İçin Yol Rehberi (A Guide for Young Translators), and Çevirmenler Harikalar Diyarında (Translators in Wonderland).
  • Ahmet Gürkan ALTINTAŞ
    Project Manager
  • Beyza BELGE
    Project Manager
  • Can Berk AKTAN
    Project Manager
  • Nurgül KAÇMAR
    Project Manager
  • Zeynep ÖZÇELİK
    Project Manager