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İstanbul - Türkiye

New York - ABD





0 (532) 111 87 26 (Mobil Santral)
0 (212) 220 43 03 (İstanbul Merkez)

Our Policies

With its expert team of 15 years, success in organization and coordination, conscientious choice of meticulous translators, free editing and redaction services after translation, and constant customer contact during office hours, Dijital Tercüme offers high-quality translation services. Our translators have expertise not only in languages, but also in the related translation field, and they have background information regarding the terms, culture, and branches of the topic of the translation project. Our company works with professional translators, whose main job is translation and who take their work very seriously.


They translated a difficult document on biology and chemistry into 16 different languages, without disrupting any images and schemes. Congratulations.
Thank you for your special interest and detailed e-catalog
We always want the best and highest-quality service from a translation company. After seeing all the services you offered, we have decided to continue working with you. Thank you. 
Müşteri görüşleri her sayfa yenilenmesinde rastlantısal olarak seçilmektedir.